
What Is Urlebird? How Does It Work And Is It Safe?

Since TikTok was banned in India (along with 118 other apps with Chinese origins) by the Indian government. Both users and content producers on TikTok have been hurt. It is pretty sad and frustrating because many Indians utilize the app regularly, and because of its broad appeal, it has become one of the most popular and widely used apps in the nation. Everyone who owns a smartphone and has access to the internet can use the TikTok video-making app. Because of the algorithm used by the app, everyone who created noteworthy and distinctive material was famous and appeared on the trending page, which is why everyone adored TikTok (formerly known as

What is the UrleBird app, exactly?

You may download TikTok videos using the free software UrleBird, which has a website with the same name. YES! You read that right: the UrleBird app allows you to download TikTok videos for nothing. If you miss any TikTok videos on your phone, you can use it as an online TikTok video player. Check out the most recent Indian app, FAUG Game Download, which will be released soon.


You are free to browse all TikTok profiles and videos without restrictions or in violation of any Indian government regulations. You don’t need exceptionally high internet connectivity to utilize the UrleBird app, like the TikTok video app; primary data is sufficient to download TikTok movies to your device.

You can download TikTok videos from your device’s media viewer’s video section using the UrleBird app. Then, it will be simple for you to browse through them and enjoy the same experience as when you search through TikTok videos. The UrleBird app stands apart from the other TikTok video downloaders thanks to unique features.

What’s the Process of Urlebird?

  • Users may watch their preferred TikTok videos on this web viewer without leaving the app. The software is accessible on Android and iOS smartphones and has a straightforward, user-friendly layout.
  • You are shown a list of your most recent videos when you first access it. To start watching a video, press it or scroll through the list. You can hit the “Saved” button in the top left corner of the screen to save a video for later viewing.
  • If you have more than one registered device, you can access it from any of them without having to log in again. If you don’t want to use your hands to play, the programme also supports voice commands.
  • In general, it’s a basic programme that makes watching your favourite TikTok videos much easier.

Utilizing Urlebird:

If you want to watch your favourite videos from TikTok even when you don’t have internet access, this app is for you. This web-based video player allows you to watch your videos offline, regardless of your connection speed to the internet.

The software must first be downloaded from either the Apple software Store or the Google Play Store. After downloading, please launch and sign in to the app. Then, you’ll be able to choose and choose among available videos.

To watch a video, tap it and select “Open in Urlebird.” Once the video has started, you may choose how much of it to watch by dragging the play head. If you’d like to exit the video, click the “X” in the corner of the screen.

Is it safe to use Urlebird?


  • The primary concern of almost all users, including you, is whether or not it is safe to utilize to view TikTok videos. The fact is that it’s difficult to answer this issue, but I’ve gathered all the information I could find here and will discuss it from various angles to give you the best response possible.
  • First, a group of people thinks Urlebird is illegal since it copies the work of others and thus constitutes a form of theft. All of them, however, explicitly state that they are not affiliated with the original TikTok website, as does
  • But from the perspective of the Urlebird website, there are many reasons for their work, and nothing can stop this website from operating over the years.
  • And finally, even though there haven’t been any particular reports about this app being risky, it would be wise to visit their website and go through the different parts, including “about us,” “terms of use,” “removal,” and “privacy policies” before taking any further action.

Aspects of the Urlebird:

It is a recent online TikTok video player that allows viewing videos inside of apps. You can begin watching videos through this software, which is usable on both iOS and Android.
There are some great qualities:

  • To begin with, it gives you the option of saving videos for later watching so that you can do it anytime you like.
  • Second, the playlist feature makes it simple to manage your videos.
  • Third, the speed-changing feature allows you to watch videos quicker or slower.
  • Fourth, you may use Chromecast to watch videos on your TV.
  • Fifth, you may use the “X-ray” feature to see what’s happening while the video is playing.
  • Sixth, you may use the “interactive storyboard” tool to annotate videos.
  • Seventh, you can use the “text editor” option to make notes and comments while the movie is playing.
  • Eighth, it has a “mirroring mode” that enables you to view the video on your phone or tablet precisely as it would on a TV.
  • Until you stop it on the ninth feature, the video will continue to play in “loop mode.”

Overall, it’s a fantastic app for watching TikTok videos. It offers several features that make it simple and available on iOS and Android handsets.

How do I get Urlebird?

  • You must download the UrleBird Apk to use the application’s premium edition. You can download the apk onto your smartphone after receiving the platform for free. Following that, you may begin viewing and sharing videos. The platform can also be accessed via a mobile device or as a website.
  • Launch any browser and look for the Urlebird APK (App Link).
  • You must now locate the application and select the download option. You must also adhere to the website’s guidelines.
  • You can access the app by logging in after downloading it to your phone. Enter your TikTok username and password now.
  • The procedure is now complete. Any video can be viewed or downloaded.

Cons and Benefits:



  • We are aware that this website facilitates TikTok video downloads.
  • People who want to watch and download TikTok videos without knowing about TikToker are likelier to use it.
  • You can find out which videos are popular right now.
  • In places where TikTok is prohibited, people use this website instead. If TikTok is prohibited in the user’s region, this website lets them watch videos.
  • You can share and download any number of videos on your TikTok account.
  • You can quickly search for videos using hashtags.
  • After uploading the video, TikToker removes it from the user’s account. The Urlibird app’s key benefit is that it will include that video.


  • Because this program makes it possible to access users’ videos without their consent, Tiktokers are concerned.
  • This software compromises the Privacy of TikTok accounts.
  • Your device has to be online to use this app.

How did Urlebird get access to users’ accounts on TikTok?

We briefly touched on this earlier, but I’d like to add that Urlebird may access TikTok users’ private accounts and upload those users’ videos to their websites without their knowledge. Additionally, Urlebird’s method is still a mystery. The most intriguing aspect is that Urlebirds have access to restricted accounts on TikTok, for example, to an unknown extent to the general public. And regrettably, there is little you can do if you are displeased with how your TikTok video is displayed on Urlebird.

Review Urlebird:

There is nothing to read as Urlebird reviews straight from the users’ point of view because the Urlebird website does not display the users’ reviews in any part of their website. But once more, we can categorize how individuals see and its purpose into two groups:

  • Those that utilize it to watch other videos anonymously fall into the first category. Because they can download TikTok videos using Urlebird, which is impossible through the original TikTok app version, they think Urlebird is an exceptional TikTok online viewer.
  • Additionally, it enables unrestricted viewing of other people’s videos.  While this is happening, video owners are dissatisfied with the functionality and capabilities of the Urlebird website since it makes their videos available to everyone without their consent.

Recommendations for Starting with Urlebird:

Like the majority of people, you use your phone frequently. Whether checking social media, scrolling through newsfeeds, or watching movies and images, our phones have taken over our lives. But what about people who prefer to use something other than traditional apps? There are a plethora of different app viewers, but which one is best for you?

It is developed exclusively for users of TikTok and is one of the more recent app viewers. If you are familiar with this popular social media app, you will feel perfectly at home using it. It provides a primary interface that makes surfing your feeds easy. Additionally, it provides components that raise the appeal of watching videos.

  • For instance, you can use filters to improve the visual appeal of your films. You also have access to live streaming possibilities with it. You can start and stop live broadcasts instantaneously without leaving the app.
  • So if you’re interested in trying it out for yourself, here are some tips for getting started:
  • Purchase it from the App Store or Google Play Store.
  • Open the program, then sign in with your TikTok account.
  • Choose the films you want to see.
  • Tap the filters button to add a filter or change the video’s settings.
  • Tap the live stream icon to start streaming.

Before Using Urlebird, Consider the Following:

Using this online viewer, users may watch videos on the TikTok app without leaving it. If you want to take a break from your typical day’s duties or are looking for something to do while you wait for your other tasks to finish, this is a perfect alternative. But before using it, there are a few things you should consider. The most crucial step is ensuring it includes the video you want to watch. The software will block a video if it is incompatible with this viewer, which means that not all videos will play on it.

Additionally, if you’re using it on an iPhone or iPad, check if your gadget has enough battery life because videos suck up a lot of energy. Last but not least, be aware that the app is supported by advertisements and that the videos you watch possibly contain them. If you don’t like ads or want to remove them from your viewing experience, use another viewer like Viki or Pluto TV.

Tips for Getting the Most Out of TikTok:

  • If you want to achieve and enhance your TikTok performance, consider the following suggestions:
  • Start with the basics. It is vital to have a firm grasp of how to use the program before attempting new accomplishments. You’ll be able to understand how things work and choose wisely when making videos if you do this.
  • Think creatively. There is no best way to make a TikTok video, so experiment with different camera angles, filters, and effects to find what works best for you.
  • Be courageous. Add risky moves or funny accents to your videos if you’re up for the challenge for an added layer of entertainment.
  • Perfect practice makes perfect! The more photos you upload, the better your outcomes will be. With time and work, you can create truly unique TikTok films that people will like.


This article helped you better understand how to download the UrleBird app, including its details and the download procedure. Watch the articles we post to learn more about this, including updates about the Moj, Chingari, and Elements apps! We appreciate you reading this article.


Is it safe to use Urlebird?
Because this website is malware-free, it has no impact on your devices. However, users can view and download videos from various Tiktokers without their consent and share them on various social networking sites, including Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok accounts. You could get into issues if that person takes any action against you.

Is Urlebird available as an app?
You may see and download popular TikTok app videos and music by downloading and installing the official app.

How Can I Prevent TikTok From Following Me?
Ans: There are a lot of people who repeatedly ask this question without being able to come up with an appropriate response. So, these are the measures you must take to stop TikTok’s Location Services.
• Launch the TikTok app, then tap on the profile. The choice is down near the bottom.
• Next, select the Menu button. The drop-down menu is up top.
• You must now select the Settings and Privacy menu item.
• Select Location Services after clicking on Privacy.
• You can modify the location’s access permissions for TikTok there.

Is China the owner of TikTok?
Ans: Undoubtedly, most people wish to discover the answer to this fundamental question. The FBI recently claimed that TikTok is a program that raises national security issues. ByteDance is the parent company of TikTok. Beijing serves as the corporate headquarters. FBI Director Chris Wray recently claimed that the Chinese government might use the application to control influencers’ devices.

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